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Baked Stuffed Clams

24 middle-neck clams or top-neck clams rinsed well to remove sand and grit
3 tablespoons onion fine dice
3 tablespoons bell peppers finely diced
1 clove garlic minced
2 slices bacon finely chopped
¼ cup butter ½ stick
2 tablespoons parsley finely chopped
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup bread crumbs, plain
¼ cup clam juice liquid from steaming the clams, more if needed
¼ cup Romano cheese grated
1 teaspoon oregano
¼ black pepper
¼ crushed red pepper
12-14 clam half-shells well rinsed, foot removed

Rinse clams in cold running water changing out the water frequently until the water starts to run clear. Remove all sand and grit.
*Discard any clams that are not closed or that won’t close when you tap them on the counter. These clams are dead and should not be consumed.
Over high heat in a medium to large pot add 1 tablespoon olive oil and ½ cup water. Add thoroughly washed clams to the pot and cover. Allow to cook for 6-10 minutes or until the shells have all opened.
Remove the clams from the pot and let them cool until you can comfortably handle them.
**Save the clam broth that you don’t need for this recipe for later use in soups or sauces.
Remove the clam meat from the clams (not the clam foot which is attached to the shell) and chop into small pieces.
Pick the best clam shells for stuffing, gathering enough for the amount of clams you’re making. Break apart the clamshells from their hinges removing the foot from the shell. Rinse the shells in cold running water until clean. Set aside until needed.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F
In a large sauté pan over medium-high heat, melt the butter. Add the bacon, onion and peppers, saute for 2 minutes then add the garlic and continue to saute for another minute.
Turn off the heat and add the minced clams, bread crumbs, parsley, lemon juice, seasonings and clam juice.
Stir until the stuffing mixture is completely moistened. The stuffing should be moist but not soggy. Add more clam juice if too dry or more bread crumbs if too wet.
Stuff clam shells with stuffing and place on a baking sheet.
Bake for approximately 20-25 minutes at 375 degrees F. Or until the tops start to brown.
Serve with lemon wedges and cocktail sauce.

Coastal Fisherman Merch
CF Merch



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