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Bluefish with a Tomato Cream Sauce

5 tbsp butter
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 lb. bluefish fillets
One lemon - one half sliced into thin slices, the other half squeezed for juice
Finely chopped lemon peel, about a half teaspoon
Fresh oregano
2 tbsp cream
2 tbsp tomato juice or tomato sauce

Melt 4 tbsp of the butter in a large skillet. Add the chopped garlic and the chopped lemon rind, and cook. Add the bluefish fillets, skin side down. Sprinkle with the lemon juice and the oregano leaves. After cooking a few minutes, turn over, being careful not to tear the skin. Cook for a few minutes more on the other side. When you take the fillets out of the pan, the skin side will be up - I think that’s the prettier looking side.
Move the fillets to a platter. Add 1 tbsp more melted butter to the pan, which will already have bits of garlic and oregano in it. Continue to heat. Add the cream and tomato juice. Pour the sauce over the fillets. Garnish with sliced lemon slices.

Coastal Fisherman Merch
CF Merch



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