Article by Larry Jock
DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife announces changes to summer flounder regulations
Anglers catching summer flounder in Delaware waters will be able to keep smaller fish this season when regulation changes take effect on Tuesday, June 11. The changes allow anglers to keep four fish per day with a minimum size of 17 inches, with no closed season. Under the previous regulations, the minimum size was 18 inches.
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission approved a coastwide recreational summer flounder harvest limit that allows for changes in Delaware’s summer flounder regulations. The regulatory changes provide added opportunities for anglers while managing the flounder population at a sustainable level.
Recreational anglers who fish, crab or clam in tidal or non-tidal waters statewide must have a valid Delaware fishing license. A resident annual fishing license costs $8.50 for ages 16 through 64. Higher license prices apply to non-resident anglers. Anglers under the age of 16 and residents age 65 and older are not required to purchase fishing licenses in Delaware.
Recreational anglers fishing Delaware waters also are required to obtain a Delaware Fisherman Information Network (F.I.N.) number; this number is generated automatically on all individual fishing licenses sold through Delaware’s electronic licensing systems.
License-exempt anglers, including Delaware residents 65 and older; non-resident boat fishing license holders who do not have an individual license; and individuals fishing on licensed boats who do not have an individual license, must obtain their free F.I.N. number by visiting or calling 800-432-9228 toll-free.
For more information about summer flounder regulations, please call the DNREC Fisheries Section at 302-739-9914.