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Vol 35 | Num 8 | Jun 23, 2010

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Ship to Shore

Article by Pat Schrawder


What did we do before electronic charts? The answer is simple. We used paper charts. Now it is almost impossible to find a paper navigational chart unless you order it over the Internet.
There are several manufacturers of electronic charts and each touts their own as the best of course. In fact, you can’t really say that one manufacturer has cornered the market on them. Certainly, C-map and Navionics are currently the two leading providers of electronic charts that are compatible with numerous units. Garmin uses its own charts built into their units known as Bluecharts.

According to the manufacturer, “C-Map by Jeppesen vector-based charts offer unrivaled navigational detail and are compatible with most brands of chart plotters and PC-based navigation systems. Exclusive value-added data, above and beyond base navigation charts, make C-Map by Jeppesen information solutions indispensible.” Their Max charts include dynamic NavAids, photos and diagrams, points of interest, animated tidal prediction, dynamic currents and elevation data, guardian alarm technology, detailed marina plans, and perspective view.

Navionics advertises the same basic things. Their web site states that they have “multi-dimensional marine charts that offer navigators and fishermen a selection of bonus information beyond the best available navigational charts such as panoramic pictures, 3D/2D views with satellite imagery, coast pilot guides, points of interest and built-in offshore fishing details.”

The caveat with both of these is that they make several different chart types and you have to order the one that is compatible with your GPS. Depending on your GPS, the charts you get may, or may not have some of the features you would like. The best thing to do is to go to a store that has the units on display so you can see the actual chart.

Lately, with the introduction of Furuno’s 3D units, we are seeing more and more chart manufacturers offering them as a downloadable item. Actually, you can go on the NOAA web site and find charts that you can download for free. The problem is, just like the aforementioned manufacturers, the NOAA charts will only work if you have a GPS unit that is compatible with their software.

Still, the downloadable electronic chart seems to be the way things are moving. Additionally, the charts are becoming more sophisticated as the technology improves. C-Map is talking about a 4 D chart and the photographic resolution of many charts is increasing. There are a couple of primary reasons for this. One is the fact that chart making companies are extremely competitive, with each one trying to outdo the other. The biggest reason, however, is the fact that these chart manufacturers also make them for the automotive market and with the increase in numbers of cars and trucks that are using GPS road mapping, the push is on to make more detailed and more sophisticated charts.

Where and when this will all end is anybody’s guess. Whether one chart manufacturer will rise way above the others remains to be seen. With budgetary constraints, I would not expect too much from the Federal Government and the updating of their charts. They may be free but their information may be old. Checking their site today, I see the chart for the Ocean City Inlet is dated 2007.

The best advice I can give you when it comes to charts is to point out that, depending on the GPS plotter unit that you have, you don’t really have much choice. It will be designed to operate with one type and manufacturer of chart. You can only choose what area you want to cover. However, if you are in the market for a brand new unit, you may want to check out the compatible charts and their features as well as actually looking at one, before you buy the unit into which it is going.

Pat and her husband, Larry are owners of L&L Marine Electronics in West Ocean City, MD.

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